Medical Grade Clean

What’s does a medical grade clean actually mean?

Not all cleans are created equal and not all cleaning companies are capable of cleaning to the same level of others. At GT, we are highly experienced in working with clinics and Medical Centres so we understand what is actually meant when someone talks about a “medical grade clean.” I don’t want to get technical and talk about adherence to Government Standards – because obviously we do this – but I thought it worthwhile spending a little time talking about different levels of clean.

Sterile – You don’t get “cleaner” than sterile, and proper steriisation is incredibly important for medical centre surfaces. Medical grade sterilisation ensures bacteria, fungi and any potential viruses are eliminated effectively. This is particularly important in critical areas and on medical instruments to ensure staff and patients are protected from communicable diseases.

Disinfected –  Disinfectants kill microorganisms on hard surfaces, but won’t necessarily kill all of their spores. As such, in medical settings, disinfectant usage should be limited to non-critical or only semi-critical surfaces. It’s a relatively high level of clean but should not be used in critical cases.

Sanitised – Sanitisers are not as strong as disinfectants. They can reduce microorganisms but do not necessarily kill them all effectively. This level of cleanliness satisfies many health codes and regulations but would not generally be considered a medical grade clean.

Clean – When someone refers to cleaning, in general, they’re referring to the physical removal of dirt that can be visibly seen. General cleans may yield a clean surface, but will not generally kill microorganisms, bacteria and other spores. This is definitely not medical grade.

The difference between sterile, disinfected, sanitised and cleaned is incredibly important – in some cases it can be the difference between life and death, particularly in high risk medical settings. A medical grade clean cannot be short cut and must be completed thoroughly and effectively if you are looking at a cleaning company for your medical grade clean then you need to ensure your cleaner can deliver a quality clean that ensures surfaces and instruments are rid of germs and bacteria.

We understand the requirements of a medical grade clean. We have access to the tools and the cleaning products needed to give your Centre a medical grade clean. Our Cleaners are properly trained and always pay the right attention to detail. If you’d like a no obligation quote for your premises, get in touch today.

How Adhoc cleans in communal areas keep the Body Corporate Committee Members happy.

A building with multiple tenants needs a Body Corporate Committee. The Committee members are volunteers who do try to make things better for all the tenants in the building. Sometimes the Body Corporate Committee engagements a body corporate management company, sometimes they manage all of the supplier relationships themselves.

One of the most important relationships that a Body Corporate Committee has is with their cleaner. One of the most important services a Cleaning Company can provide for a Body Corporate is ad hoc cleaning of communal areas.

Yes, a cleaning company should have regular cleaning schedules with their clients but there are a few reasons that a Body Corporate Committee might require ad hoc cleaning and I want to outline 3 of them below.

Sometimes messes just happen – Sometimes things happen. Sometimes messes are made in communal areas and need to be cleaned up in an expedient manner. This could be for a couple of reasons. Sometimes it’s a requirement for health and safety, sometimes a mess can just be unsightly and needs to be dealt with – especially if the “messy” communal area is an entrance way. To ensure that cleaning is completed in a timely manner you want to deal with a cleaning company with a large enough team to deal with ad hoc cleaning – taking this stress of the Body Corporate Committee Members.

People don’t like seeing a mess in communal areas – First impressions count. You don’t want guests to your building seeing a mess in communal areas. But it’s not just guests that are unhappy with mess. Tenants also hate mess. And, you know who they complain to? The Body Corporate Committee. So, the Body Corporate Committee want these problems solved quickly. That’s where a cleaning company who can help with ad hoc cleaning becomes invaluable. They can resolve these issues – often before someone complains.

Cleaning Companies can help identify other issues that may need a resolution – Sometimes, ad hoc cleaning can be required because of other issues that the cleaners can help the Body Corporate Committee identify. This allows the Committee to more effectively manage issues they may need to resolved quickly.

As a company, we specialise in working with Body Corporate Management Companies and Body Corporate Committees. We understand the requirements that Body Corporates have for cleaning – both regular cleaning services and ad hoc cleaning requirements. Our team has the capability to manage your regular cleaning and also fulfil any ad hoc cleaning requirements you have.